Are hotel accommodations included in the registration fee?
No, hotel accomadations are to be made seperate from registration.
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How do I make my hotel reservation?
Please use the link below to make your hotel reservation.
Is there single-day registration available?
There is not a single-day registration for Catalyze.
How can I cancel my registration?
Go back to the registration site here and click the Already Registered? link at the top right corner. Enter your registration confirmation number received via email. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select 'Cancel Registration' Select 'Submit' ...
Is there a discounted registration rate for speakers?
Due to the volume of presentations and presenters, the AAVMC’s policy is that we do not cover travel, lodging, or registration, however we are aware that many of our presenters are able to find such support through other mechanisms. Feedback on this ...
Who will be included in these visits?
It will be mainly the Deans, and anyone else that they wish to include. The Leadership Academy will be participating as well.